Saltwater has antiseptic properties. Between rinsing out the sore (it's a saltwater rinse) and leaving behind some of that antiseptic saline solution, you create an environment hostile to bacteria and allow the sore to heal normally.
Gargle with salt water
a caker is a girl that flirts with guys but dont date them and the person dat wrote dis is a huge caker he he he he he he ;)
it can help, but it can't "cure," instead use medicine. or gargle with salt water, it sounds gross but it works
Gargle with some salt water to cure your sore throat, or ask your pharmacist if they have a remedy for you, also you can suck on some cough drops.
No, but it can help soothe a sore throat if you gargle with warm salt water. See the related question below for more information on treating a cold.
No. Sprite has no medicinal value whatsoever. It may temporarily soothe a sore throat, but it will not cure it.
they are little sores in your mouth
try putting salt on your sore.
I get canker sores often we use this kanka pen it helps the sore get smaller and doesn't taste bad at all. It also nums the sore for about 10 min long so i can finish a meal. and you can take it four times a day. works great
By removing the 'k' placed in it.
Chap stick won't cure a cold sore.
The fruit?