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Solar radiation is deadly, However, the Earth's atmosphere and radiation belts attenuate the Sun's output, making life as we know it possible here. But that protection fluctuates, depending on various factors. The amount of UltraViolet radiation striking the ground varies considerably, When it is high, sunburns happen very quickly. Humans generate a vitamin when exposed to sunlight, which is necessary for proper metabolic activity.

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Q: How does radiation from the sun affect your health?
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The radiation from modern televisions is negligible.

How does the sun affect plants?

The sun provides thermal and electromagnetic energy through radiation.

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it has something to do with certain radiation from the phone.

What are some charactaristics from the sun that have affect on earth?

Light, heat, radiation

What things in the atmosphere affect the path of radiation from from the sun?

The things that affect are in atmosphere. It is basically a layer called ozone layer.

How do mobile devices affect personal health?

Mobile devices can affect personal health by the radiation they produce. This is known to throw the body's equilibrium out of sync. The result could be illness or cancer.

Can radiation affect us now or in the future?

Exposure to high levels of radiation can have immediate health effects, such as burns and radiation sickness. Long-term exposure to low levels of radiation can increase the risk of cancer and other health issues over time. It's important to minimize exposure to radiation through safety measures and regulations.

What is taking damage c plus plus?

// Taking Damage // Demonstrates function inlining #include <iostream> int radiation(int health); using namespace std; int main() { int health = 80; cout << "Your health is " << health << "\n\n"; health = radiation(health); cout << "After radiation exposure your health is " << health << "\n\n"; health = radiation(health); cout << "After radiation exposure your health is " << health << "\n\n"; health = radiation(health); cout << "After radiation exposure your health is " << health << "\n\n"; return 0; } inline int radiation(int health) { return (health / 2); }

How much radiation do we get in a day?

On average, we receive about 10-30 microsieverts of radiation per day from natural sources such as the sun, Earth, and cosmic rays. This level of radiation is considered safe and is not harmful to human health.

What happens to the sun when the stars are shining?

Nothing. The stars shine all the time; the amount of radiation that the Sun receives from distant stars is so insignificant that it won't noticeable affect the Sun.

How does the environment and lifestyle factors affect the condition of the skin?

Wind, rain, ultraviolet radiation from the sun, smoking, sleep, stress, alcohol can all affect the skin.

How is the sun reflecting it radiation into space?

The sun does not reflect its radiation into space.