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Peer influence has a strong affect on the health of teenagers. At the most vulnerable time in a human being's development, when they are able to start making decisions about what is good for them and what is bad, most teenagers experiment with different substances to some extent, sort of as a test or declaration of their independence from parental authority. The two things that are most commonly tried and can lead to addiction and health problems in later life are alcohol and cigarettes.

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10y ago

Peer influence has a strong affect on the health of teenagers. At the most vulnerable time in a human being's development, when they are able to start making decisions about what is good for them and what is bad, most teenagers experiment with different substances to some extent, sort of as a test or declaration of their independence from parental authority. The two things that are most commonly tried and can lead to addiction and health problems in later life are alcohol and cigarettes.

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Q: How does peers affect your health?
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