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It is usually snorted or smoked.

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by smoked or swallowed

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Q: How does pcp enter the body?
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Related questions

What does pcp does to your body?

it results in severe gayness

Is there a home remedy to cleanse your system of PCP?

The system can't be cleaned of PCP. The drug stays in your fat, hair, and body forever. It does NOT leave the body. People who have taken it often have a rebound effect because it is in the body.

What organs in the body are effected while using pcp?

All of them

Does vinegar clean PCP from your system?

Can vinegar get pcp out your system n how do u need to take

L what happens after you take pcp?

PHENCYCLIDINE (PCP) blocks the activity of NMDA receptor for glutomate (amino acids in your body) it causes neurotoxic and hallucinogenic reactions.

How long does it takes for pcp to get out your system?

It takes about 10 days to excrete roughly 97 percent of smoked PCP from the body. This however depends on its potency and dose.

What does ketamine and pcp do to your body?

No, although similar in the fact that they are both NDMA receptor antagonists, PCP(Phencyclidine) is a completely different chemical then ketamine. No, although similar in the fact that they are both NDMA receptor antagonists, PCP(Phencyclidine) is a completely different chemical then ketamine.

How long does PCP stay in your body for the first time?

PCP typically stays in the body for 2-3 days after use, but this can vary depending on factors such as dosage, frequency of use, and individual metabolism. It can be detected in urine for up to a week, and in blood for up to 24 hours after use.

What is inside PCP?

Pure PCP contains only PCP (phencylidine).

How is pcp administered?

PCP is not administrated

Is pcp a depression?

pcp is a tranqulizer

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