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Q: How does our body tell us we need to go to the bathroom?
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How can you tell a toddler needs to go to the bathroom if she doesnt tell you she needs to go?

You cannot tell, you just have to get up and ask them "do you need the toilet" and take them to it, even if they say "no" just keep doing this and eventually they will go themselves.

Why you need to go to the bathroom?

Because the body needs to get rid of waste, (food that is not used.) If it didn't you would be poisoned.

Why the humans need to go the bathroom?

Humans need to go to the bathroom to remove waste products from their body, such as urine and feces. This process helps to maintain the body's balance of fluids and electrolytes, as well as to eliminate toxins and other waste materials. Going to the bathroom is a natural and necessary bodily function that helps to keep us healthy.

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Boy tortoises stick there tail out when they need to go to the bathroom.

Why does a baby need a diaper?

A baby need a diaper because it's body isn't able to tell when it needs to go to the bathroom yet, therefore a diaper is there to 'collect' any waste the baby might excrete before it's 'potty-trained' yet!!

Where can I buy bathroom cabinets?

I am redoing my bathroom and need to buy bathroom cabinets for it. Where would I go to get them for cheap?

Why do we go to the bathroom?

After we digest something, our body is urging us to go to get the yuckys out.

If you go to the bathroom one time how long until you go to the bathroom again?

If you need to go, go! But do not go in your pants or on the floor. Save it for the b-room.

Where should I go to get bathroom mirrors?

The home that I am currently renting has no bathroom mirrors. Where is the best place to go to get bathroom mirrors? Do I need to call someone to install them or can I do it myself?

Does being nervous make you want to go to the bathroom?

Yes. If you are nervous or thinking about peeing too much, your head will tell you it is time to go. It is very normal and you dont need to stress about it.

What does googoogaga mean?

It means I need to go to the bathroom.

What do you do with CJ's flash drive after you put it in the computer?

You go out of the room into the bathroom. You go right to go yo the bathroom and you need to flush the thumb drive.