Hermaphrodites are born (inate disposition) with both sex organs, it is not possible to "become" a hermaphrodite.
at the hermaphrodite store
This appears to be a made up or coined word. It may be a confusion of the word hermaphrodite. It is a combination of the names Hermes and Aphrodite for their son who was merged with the nymph Salmacis who loved Hermaphrodite so completely she prayed that they become one union.
The Hermaphrodite was created in 1847.
A sea bunny, or sea hare, is an underwater creature that is a hermaphrodite. A hermaphrodite is a living thing with two sexes inside one body.
A hermaphrodite is an organism that has both male and female reproductive organs. Sequential hermaphrodites are organisms that start life as one sex and then change to the other sex later in life, depending on environmental conditions or social factors.
A 'typical' hermaphrodite would be an earthworm.
The novel "The Hermaphrodite" by Julia Ward Howe contains approximately 300 pages.
Un hermaphrodite (masculine noun).
Not with their own equipment but a BOB one.
Yes just a very odd one
hermaphrodite flower
One may locate hermaphrodite photos online at Photo Bucket and Mahalo. ISNA (Intersex Society of North America) also has educational information and photos to explain.