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since your body is hot blooded everything you put in it ill get hotter, for example: when you inhale you feel cold air but when you exhale it comes warmer. so that means that the longer the gum is in your mouth, the warmer it gets.

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Q: How does mint gum change the temperature in your mouth?
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How does chewing mint gum change the temperature in your mouth?


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Why does gum affect your mouth temperature?

when we chew gum,some work is done by our body that increases metabolism of body as a result metabolic rate increases and temperature too.

What about cinnamon gum chewing will that change temperature in mouth?

the hotness of the cinnamon

Will chewing different types of gum change the temperature of a humans mouth?

Not usually, no.

How does mint gum change your mouth's temperature?

I just conducted this experiment for my Science Fair project using Dentyne Fire and Dentyne Ice. The Dentyne Ice does not make your mouth's temperature cooler like you'd think it would. Instead it actually raises the temperature, most likely from the heat produced in the process of your mouth chewing. The Dentyne Fire However raised the temperature higher that the Ice did. So, for the answer for your question, it raises the temperature of your mouth.

How does mint gum chang your mouth's temperature?

I just conducted this experiment for my Science Fair project using Dentyne Fire and Dentyne Ice. The Dentyne Ice does not make your mouth's temperature cooler like you'd think it would. Instead it actually raises the temperature, most likely from the heat produced in the process of your mouth chewing. The Dentyne Fire However raised the temperature higher that the Ice did. So, for the answer for your question, it raises the temperature of your mouth.

How can you test mouth temperature when chewing gum?

u cant because u dnt know if the gum will explode

What does mint gum have in it that bubble gum doesn't?


Does watermelon gum last longer than mint gum?

no i have had this gum in my mouth since 9:00 am and it is now 11:20 am. I will be spiting i tout soon, but only because it is almost lunch time...

How can you change the color of your gumshield?

Gum shields are the same as mouth guards. There are some gum shields that come with color inserts to allow you to change the color when you want.

How do you make mint flavored gum?

Find a package of gum and take it out. Then you have mint flavored gum! Ta Da!