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I believe the melanin cells take in the sun rays and dissipate it as harmless heat throughout the skin, resulting in a darker pigmentation occurring or a "tanning effect", but that in no way means you shouldn't protect your skin from the sun, because too much sun exposure is dangerous.

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Q: How does melanin protect the skin fron the sun?
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How does Melanin protect us from the sun?

Melanin is a pigment that affects your skin to keep it the color it is. Melanin is brown. The more melanin in the skin, the darker the colour of the skin is. Melanin helps the skin by protecting it from the UV rays of the sun. Albinos are prone to a variety of skin diseases.Melanin are the cells in our skin that are colored. They are the color pigmentation that we have. The larger and closer together the cells are, the darker the skin color. When your talking about Hw, you are most likely talking about physics.

The pigment melanin and contribute to skin color?

melanin is mainly responsible for the color of skin number of melanin decide the color more the number more darker skin it protect from the sun rays and other foreign substance in white skin less melanin is there

Greater amounts of what pigment are produced when the skin is exposed to the sun?

Melanin is the pigment produced in greater amounts when the skin is exposed to the sun. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes in response to UV radiation as a defense mechanism to protect the skin from damage.

Why is skin the color it is?

Skin color depends on the amount of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a pigment that helps protect skin cells form the sun and makes the skin darker or lighter. Those who have albinism have either very little melanin or none at all.

What is dark pigment of the body called?

The dark pigment of the body is called melanin. Melanin is responsible for determining the color of our skin, hair, and eyes. It helps protect the skin from the damaging effects of the sun's UV radiation.

What is melanin and why is it important?

Melanin is a pigment produced by specialized cells called melanocytes in the skin, hair, and eyes. It helps protect the skin from damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation by absorbing and scattering the UV rays. Melanin also determines the color of our skin, hair, and eyes.

What substance in skin causes it to tan?

Skin has Melanin which is brown-colored pigment, which protects the skin from the harmful UV rays that come from the sun. When the UV rays hit the skin the skin turns darker in order to protect or shield it. Tanning or darkening of the skin is in reaction to the harmful UV given off by the sun. Consider how in warm or tropical locations such Africa, Asia, and South America people have darker pigmented skin. It is in order to protect and shield it from damage. In other words, the sun is harmful to the skin---dark or fair. When your skin tans it is in order to protect it from even more damage.

What appears when the sun sun activates your melanocytes?

When the sun activates your melanocytes, they produce more melanin in an attempt to protect your skin from UV radiation. This increased melanin production can lead to tanning of the skin as well as sun-induced skin damage over time.

What is the function melanin?

Melanin gives color to the skin, hair, and iris of the eyes. Levels of melanin depend on race and amount of sunlight exposure. Sun exposure increases melanin production - to protect the skin against harmful ultraviolet rays. In addition, hormonal changes can affect melanin production.

What causes a sun-tan?

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun triggers the production of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a pigment that gives skin its color and helps protect it from UV damage. As melanin accumulates in the skin, it darkens, resulting in a tan.

What is melanin and what does it determine?

Melanin shields the nucleus from damage by ultraviolet radiation. It keeps this radiation from damaging the skin and DNA. It also gives color to your skin, hair, and irises. Melanin is a pigment which gives characteristic color to skin. Its main role is to absorb harmful UV radiations and protect our skin cells from damage. It determines the color of your skin. Melanin colors hair, skin, eyes, feathers, etc.

How will you describe the skin color of a person with a lot of melanin?

A person with a lot of melanin in their skin will typically have a darker skin color, ranging from light brown to deep black. Melanin is a pigment that gives skin its color and helps protect against the sun's harmful UV rays.