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MDMA or "E" can be very dangerous if you get it from someone you don't know, or just met. Anyone can lace "E" with any other drug such as meth or heroin. Many people die from it because of the combination of drugs in this small pill. If you really wanna try MDMA i recommend that you know who is giving it to, know who is making it, and watch them make it yourself. They only way its not as dangerous is to get it at its purest form, LACED WITH NOTHING. Many people say that it kills brain cells or will kill you no matter what but that's not true. There is a spot in your brain called serotonin and when your young there is a large hole in that spot that releases serotonin constantly, making you really happy. When teens go through puberty, skin starts to form over that spot and only sometimes realises serotonin. Making lots of teens more depressed and bitchy. When your high on MDMA it opens that hole completely realising tons of serotonin throughout your body, making you beyond happy. Taking to much at a time or very often would be a very bad choice, but occasionally it would be okay. Also, i only recommend people over 18 to use this drug because it can effect that spot when your going through puberty Over 200,000 people a year die on alcohol poisoning and only 50 a year die from MDMA because they were unsafe about it. Take my advice and don't get it from people you don't know. Make sure you watch them make it and know its at its purest form.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

It's similar to Ecstacy. Give you a light, euphoric feeling.

It's classified as a hallucinogen, but I don't think I agree with that...
MDMA makes you extremely happy, Your body may feel numb, Grinding of teeth may occur. Similar to the effects of Extacy.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

If that sounds a little intense, it is. But...that's not necessarily the typical MDMA experience. Producing such peak experiences depends on the dosage taken, the environment, and the person's mental and physical state going in. At lower doses, etc. the experience is much milder (but still often remarkable.) How far you want to take it is up to you. At lower doses, a person on MDMA can wander about public places, strike up conversations, etc. and not be thought of as 'odd' or particularly noticed. At low doses, you just feel unusually cheerful, sociable and energetic, as though you were extraordinarily well rested and relaxed. MDMA is fairly flexible in what it can do. If you seek an at-one-with-the-universe religious experience, that can be achieved...but it's also a perfectly nice and controllable recreational drug for going out on the town. Like alcohol, it's not a matter of simply being completely drunk vs. completely sober...there is a large range of possibilities in between. You pick your dose, you pick your environment, you pick what you want to try to get out of it.[from]

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โˆ™ 13y ago

I am an Ecstasy addict, and have been for a little over 2 years now. I am on it now, and would like to see that you learn something from this.

From Ecstasy, wether high or not, I get paranoid from what you think are every-day co'incidences. (You see the same truck, think nothing of it, I see the same truck in a short time and think im being followed by police.)

I have anger problems from using Ecstasy daily, and unless im on it, I get extremely irritable, grouchy, and not fun to be around. I get quite, and start thinking every-thing that doesnt go ok/alright is directed at me/something I'VE done.

I had to stop going to school because if I was in class when I was "coming down" (Begining to become un-high) I wouldn't be able to do work, and would almost instantly go to sleep, and didnt care if anyone knew or not, all I cared about was sleeping it off, so I could get high after class.

My back is drained of a lot of its spinal fluid, making it EXTREMELY painfull for me to walk, run, stand for longer then a few minutes at a time, and basically anything is hard on my back.

My bones are very weak, I have broken my arm (left one) 2 times in 3 and a 1/2 years,

have broken so many knuckles the hospital cannot even set them in place properly again, and cracking my knee's makes me almost instantly sit down 90% of the time.

I have the infamous "E-time blue's." Which, in simpler terms, means that when im not high I have depression, and because its not natural depression, but chemically braught on, no anti-depressants work for me very well.

My organs are almost completely shot, I have the heart of a 30 year old man, and im 15!!!

From Snorting to much Ecstasy, my nose bleeds a lot, and in cold weather because the inside of my nose is burned out, (Chemical burns) I almost scream from the pain.

My skin is very stretched now, and I have rashes, and such bad acne im scared to look at myself from the Ecstasy. There are black marks under my eyes the day after.

Another thing you should know, that is common fact though, is that Ecstasy makes you EXTREMELY skinny.

I am 15, and weigh 106 pounds, because even when I do eat, I cannot gain weight, I just stay at a certain level of weight, and I can gaurentee you its not a healthy level of weight.

Those are many of the problems of being an Ecstasy/MDMA addict, some of them I didnt even put on here because I was embarresed to do so.

I plan on quitting, but when, is the question. I've tried 4 times, and usually just go into an even deeper depression the usuall, so that almost always re-inforces me to do it again. Ecstasy/MDMA is a very tricky drug, its very Psycological, and it takes a lot of willpower just to wake up in the morning.

If you havnt already done Ecstasy, and are ever offered it, honestly and truly say NO!

Say YES to Marijuana, and Alcohol, but Ecstasy, is always a NO.

Thanks for listening and I hope I answered your question well.

Peace out-- Take it Easy.

---> Matt<3'sX.

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โˆ™ 16y ago

It releases serotonin from the brain which makes you feel euphoric.

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โˆ™ 16y ago

Euphoric, alert, motivated, awake, etc. Long term use can result in feeling paranoid, "strung out", depressed, etc.

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โˆ™ 15y ago


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Cocaine and MDMA both stay in the system for about 3 to 7 days. If you are referring to the effects, you would start to feel the cocaine shortly after ingesting the pill, and as you are coming down from the cocaine, you would likely begin to feel the MDMA. Cocaine and MDMA both stay in the system for about 3 to 7 days. If you are referring to the effects, you would start to feel the cocaine shortly after ingesting the pill, and as you are coming down from the cocaine, you would likely begin to feel the MDMA.

What does mdma means?

3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)

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Its not the MDMA persay... usually its chemicals used to make "synthetic" Exstacy... cheaper than real MDMA. You can find anything form Ketamine, caffeine, speed, heroin used to make up these pills. You can sleep fine on pure mdma... its the other drugs that will mess you up.

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yes it does for me its better to do the mdma then the klonipin

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No, LSD has not been shown to cause neurotoxicity. MDMA showed neurotoxicity in labolatory animal but in exposure in human lvl not (dose make poison)

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The chemical formula of MDMA is C11H15O2.

What is ecstacy made of?

Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a synthetic drug that is chemically related to amphetamine. It is usually synthesized from a starting compound called safrole, which is obtained from the oils of certain plants, and then chemically altered into MDMA.

What is the active ingredient in ecstasy?

MDMA (3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine). Note that most pills sold as ecstasy do not contain MDMA but instead can contain amphetamines and various research chemicals (such as mephedrone and MDPV) The active ingredient that is used to make ecstasy however, is sassafras.

Is Polyethylene Glycol in MDMA?

No, Polyethylene Glycol is not typically found in MDMA. MDMA usually consists of the active ingredient MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) along with cutting agents or adulterants, but Polyethylene Glycol is not commonly used in the production of MDMA.

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The only ones I know for sure are mushrooms and mdma.

What is MDMA short for?

MDMA is short for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine.