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People that know their body well will build, strengthen or maintain their body by living the right lifestyle. People that don't know their body may cause it having illness or other problems by lifestyling bad.

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Q: How does lifestyle affect health of the people?
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What are things that affect people's lifestyle?

I think its diet factors.

How does Cadbury chocolate affect your lifestyle?

Excess of any food can have a negative impact on your lifestyle. Eating foods that are low nutrition, but high calorie can make you gain weight. This can affect your health and the ability to do certain things in life.

How does age affect lifestyle?

Age can affect lifestyle in various ways including preferences, physical capabilities, and responsibilities. Younger individuals may prioritize socializing and exploration, while older individuals may focus on health and family. As people age, they may experience changes in lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, and leisure activities. Age can also impact career choices and retirement planning.

How can financial resources affect a person's diet?

Financial resources can affect diet, as having a low income can affect the budget. Families with low income may only be able to afford cheap food products, where as families with high income can afford to buy high quality food products. Cheap food products contain high amounts of fat and sugar can have an affect on a persons health and lifestyle. The majority of people with high income, who are able to afford higher quality food products have good health and a healthy lifestyle.