You never get your heart broken because everyone always moves on. But when you do love someone alot, it feels like the most painful thing in the world. You feel lonely, like you need them to come and hug you and comfort you but you know that they can't. Just don't get yourself into a relationship if you know it's going to end badly.
This is to all the girls who don't know how a heart break feels like .
I've been heart broken so many times , when you're heart broken , you feel like doing nothing except laying down thinking about your ex . You can't get your mind off of him . It's like a thousand knifes stabbing you in the heart , you cry and you can't get that certain someone off your mind . It hurts even more to see your ex with another girl flirting , tying her shoe for her , seeing them laugh together . They do nothing but flirt with each other . You literally cry all day , this has happened to me so many times and still is . Sometimes , you just wanna punch that girl in the face!!!! But really , being heart broken is just .... very sad . Most girls eat ice cream all day because it "helps" honestly , that does not help . If any girl out there who has been wanting to be heart broken to see how it feels like ....No , trust me , you would NEVER want to be heart broken especially because of your ex you really loved .
well you cant feel anything your just broken well if your heart broken you feel despair emotinal dont wanna talk to anybody!
When you feel disheartened you feel less hopeful, dissappointed, or heart broken.
just act as if you don't care. In my personal opinion they want you to feel heart broken, because they probally have been heart broken before and wanted you to feel how it was aswell. so if you ignore them they will feel guilty making you feel heart broken, and won't do it again. But if you are confident you would move on and try to forget about it. good luck. :)
well a broken heart is an expression and you can get over it by not thinking about that person who dumped you or who you dumped
I don't believe there is such a thing as a broken heart. Using my common sence. It is how we feel is to what we image. When the mind doesn't tell us is that a certain muscle to the heart is strain or blocked by something so unreal, which the mind gives if you listen to it and gives the ablity of the image of an broken heart in the mind. When The blood veils are tiding next to the heart, which gives us the ability to feel breathless and lifeless gives the full image and feeling of a broken heart. Sorry if that's a bit confusing. I hope it a bit.
Its not easier. If a man truly got his heart broken then he will feel pretty much the same same emotions that a woman will feel. The difference is men dont usually express their feelings in the same ways a woman.
'Sick at heart' means someone or something has broken your heart and you may well feel ill to your stomach or have an empty feeling inside.
A broken heart feels like someone is killing you slowly.a broken heart feels like your tired and just wanna sleep for your whole life and every breath you take hurts your heart just hurt even more. i should know because im heart broken right now and missing that person.AnswerYou feel devastated. It is very emotionally painful.
Cheatin,Broken Up With,Rejection,Stress, and also Emotional Pain.
a broken heart is pain you feel it hurt sooo bad its not the same pain u feel when you fall its asad kindof pain ike if someone said something mean to you and hurtyur feelings in my words its also the pain you feel from a break up ONLY if you really had deep feelings for that person but having a broken heart is not a good feeling at all i cant ea sleep talk be myself for a week ! it hurt soo freaking bad
Actually,yes it does in ur broken heart life.So try it if your like that.
we are sad when we feel a little lonely or hurtled or upset about something or broken heart or almost going to cry.