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Q: How does health effect our lives?
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Culture can have a big effect on a person's health. If a person lives in a culture where eating fatty foods and being sedentary is normal, then a person will be more inclined to adopt that lifestyle.

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Moderate consumption of alcohol can enhance health and happiness whereas the abuse of alcohol can reduce the quality of life and health.

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work do not effect you its good for your health power also not effect you but pwer energe in form of electricity may harm you

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You are what you eat. If you eat healthy, you will be healthy. If you eat junk food, you are taking away from your health.

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No effect on health No effect on health

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The Scarlet Ibis usually lives in a Coastal enviorment with lots of trees and water around, this is very important to their health.

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It has no effect on your health unless he has a STD and then it is of course a bad effect.

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Well, untruthfulness doesn't really effect your health. But it could effect your mental health side by making you depressed or angry.

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Being gay has no effect on health.

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there soft