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if they fall from high off the ground its usually a cause of breaking their neck because they fall so hard on it but if they fall from a short distance off the ground its usually a cause of choking

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Q: How does hanging a person kill them?
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Oh, dude, you're really getting into the dark stuff, huh? Well, technically speaking, homicidal hanging is when someone else kills you by hanging you, while suicidal hanging is when you do it to yourself. So, like, one involves a murderer and the other involves a really bad day. Just remember, it's always better to hang out with friends than to hang yourself, okay?

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How long does it take to die by hanging yourself?

It varies depending on a person's weight and how far they drop down when they step off the platform. It ranges from instant decapitation to taking an hour or so. There are actually three ways that hanging can kill you - decapitation, a broken neck, or suffocation. Decapitation results from a very long drop. People have recovered from hanging in which their neck is broken, and they are paralyzed for life. Suffocation from hanging can result in convulsions, shock, and dizziness to name a few. The person may also recover and have a condition where the brain enters the spinal cord. This results in death within a few days to a few years.

Will 9kv kill a person?

9 kilovolts will 99.9% of the time kill a person.

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