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Good fat helps your body because it is basically your back-up energy. If you do not have any food left in your system to provide energy for your body, your body will turn cannibalistic and burn your fat for energy that is stored in there. Though, it only does this when you've completely run out of energy from food.

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Leanspa is really good which help to burn your fat in your body and given a good body structure.

What nutrients help the body burn fat?

Mostly the fat present in fish burns the fat in our body.

Does dancing help to lose hip fat?

You can't truly target where you lose fat. But, dancing is good excersise anyways!

What does cabbage do to your body?

cabbages help burn of the fat on you body.

How can fat help you?

It creates insulation for your body.

Why is fat loss slower in some body parts?

You body strategically places and removes fat from parts of your body based on what will help you survive (this goes back to when humans were hunters/gathers and didn't have a steady stream of meals). As you gain fat, your body places it where it will help protect you the most, and as you lose fat it keeps it where it will help protect you the most.

What good are neutral fats?

Neutral fats help in keeping the body warm by insulating. They also act as a padding for the body. An example of neutral fat is Monoglyceride.

What 3 ways does fats help the body?

Fat helps to keep the body warm, feed the body, especially during times of low food intake, and to store and make available fat-soluable vitamins.

What is the physical distribution of c2?

It cAN help our body regulate and it can provide our fat .it is also help our body fit.

How do you get better abs?

Reduce your body fat through a good diet and regular exercise. Abdominal exercises such as crunches can also help.

What part of the body does fat help?

the cold part

What is a good level of body fat?
