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If it's only occasional - not much. If it's regular it'll damage your teeth and your throat. The loss of nutrients from not hanging on to your food will eventually damage your immune system, your energy levels and generally disturb your metabolism.

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Q: How does enduced vomiting affect your body and health?
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A poor diet can affect your health by not getting enough nutrients in your body. So your body will switch to survival which means that it will use all the food you ate or have eaten to fat and store it when you need it the most.

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Psychosomatic vomiting refers to vomiting that is triggered by emotional or psychological factors rather than physical illness. In other words, it is vomiting that is a physical manifestation of psychological distress or trauma. It is important to address the underlying emotional factors in order to effectively manage and treat psychosomatic vomiting.

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How does prolonged induced vomiting affect the body?

Prolonged, induced vomiting, as is the case with bulimia, has profound negative effects on the body. To begin with, it affects the lining of the esophagus that gets damaged from stomach acid. The teeth begin to rot and menstruation may stop, leading to infertility. Weight loss is also inevitable.

How can an single organ system can affect overall health of a person?

the body has to have all systems in good health because if it doesn't you could get sick or you could start getting pains in your body

Does vomiting harm your body?

Yes it does

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