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Q: How does each of the harmful substances affect the body?
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They all work together as one.

Why shouldn't you take two or more substances together?

Combining substances can lead to unpredictable interactions, increasing the risk of harmful side effects or overdose. Some substances can potentiate each other's effects, leading to dangerous consequences like respiratory depression or organ damage. It is important to consult a healthcare professional before combining any substances.

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the diseases affect this level of organisation in all the parts of the body. by destroying its cells to not funtion well,,

How is human body resonance calculated?

The human body does not have a single resonance. A complex organism is composed of thousands of substances in thousands of different configurations each with their own resonances. These all collectively dampen each other.

Who is the fattest supermodel?

It is not appropriate or respectful to refer to someone as the "fattest" supermodel. Each individual has a unique body shape and size, and it is important to avoid body shaming or making harmful comparisons.

How does each of the four macromolecules of life function in living organisms?

carbohydrates and lipids are required as they are energy-giving substances, proteins are required as they are body-building substances, and nucleic acids are required as they store herditary information.

Large proteins of the blood and body fluids produced by the immune system in response to the invasion of the body by foreign molecules?

Antibodies are large proteins produced by the immune system that specifically recognize and bind to foreign molecules called antigens. They help the immune system to identify and neutralize pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and other harmful substances. Each antibody is unique and can target a specific antigen.

Does the body digest each of the food substances it takes in completely?

i have not a clue, but if i had to guess, i would say yes because if all of the food in our body was not digested i don't think that we would feel good.

Does the body digests each of the food substances it takes in completely?

i have not a clue, but if i had to guess, i would say yes because if all of the food in our body was not digested i don't think that we would feel good

When a chemical change occurs the atoms of each starting substances are only what?

The atoms are of each starting substances are only rearranged.

If it's true that noise can hurt you then can sounds made by the body be harmful to each other?

Atmospheric,brain to Brain Malleus Morse and intramuscular integument Myopalmus

The six dimensions of wellness A demonstrate the separateness of mind and body B seldom influence one another C affect health independently of each other D interact continuously?

affect health independently of each other