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you need your diaphragm to talk , or sing and to talk or sing you need to breath so its all connected

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Q: How does diaphragm help with breathibg?
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What type of muscle is diaphragm?

The diaphragm ( the muscle underneath your lungs that help you breath) is a skeletal muscle, not smooth

The immediate effects of exercise on the Diaphragm and intercostals?

The diaphragm and the intercostals are muscles that help breathing. When you excerise they work harder because it is harder to breathe.

What system does the diaphragm belong in the fetal pig?

The diaphragm in a fetal pig attaches to the abdominal and thoracic cavity. It is used to help the pig breath.

What separates the abdomen and the chest cavity?

The diaphragm separates the abdomen and the chest cavity. It is a dome-shaped muscle that contracts and relaxes to help with breathing.

What is a dome shaped muscle that lies beneath the lungs?

The dome-shaped muscle beneath the lungs is called the diaphragm. It plays a crucial role in the breathing process by contracting and relaxing to help with inhalation and exhalation.

Is the diaphragm part of the respiratory system?

Diaphragm is not part of respiratory system but part of muscular system but it helps in breathing movements .yes

Primary function of diaphragm is to?

Help in breathing and separation of thoracic and abdominal cavities .

Where liver located?

it is located in the upper abdomen to the right of the stomach and immediately below the diaphragm (the diaphragm is a set a muscles below the rib cage and lungs that help with breathing.)

Is the diaphragm?

The diaphragm is a large muscle just below the lungs. It help us breathe.The diaphragm is located inferior to the lungs and deep in the thoracic cavity.Diaphragm is present in upper side of the abdomen and lower side of the chest. You need to see the original diaphragm in the dissected body. That is very beautiful structure to see.

Does speaking use the diaphragm?

Yes, speaking involves the use of the diaphragm along with other muscles in the chest, throat, and mouth. The diaphragm contracts and relaxes to help control the flow of air from the lungs, which is necessary for producing sound during speech.