It causes lung damage, but it does not cause crystals on the lungs.
Nah really
the effects on crystal meth is Euporis, increased energy, alertnes, diarrhea, nausea, excessive sweating, loss of appetite, insominia, tremors, and jaw-clenching. crystal meth will change your life completely. - chyna Williams
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No, crystal meth is not grown. It is a man-made substance. Crystal meth is cooked up in homemade laboratories.
Doing weed and crystal meth together is no more dangerous than doing crystal meth alone.
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An odd questions since Crystal Meth promotes physical activity yet causes loss of appetite which will malnourish your muscles. Being a doctor i would say that prolonged use of Crystal Meth will cause your strength to deteriorate due to malnourishment and lack of rest.
Oh, dude, that's a tricky one! The legal drug that can make you look like you've been hanging out with Heisenberg is good ol' Sudafed. Yeah, the stuff you take for a stuffy nose can sometimes show up as meth in a urine test. So, next time you're feeling under the weather, just remember you might end up looking like a Breaking Bad extra at the doctor's office.
Buy Crystal Mеth (Methamphetamine) Online Buy Meth Online. Crystal mеth iѕ the common name fоr сrуѕtаl methamphetamine, a ѕtrоng аnd highly addictive drug that affects the central nеrvоuѕ ѕуѕtеm. meth for sale, buy meth, buy crystal meth online, buy methamphetamine online, crystal meth online, buy crystal meth, order meth online Visit our profile for contact details.
Both alcohol and crystal meth can be neurotoxic and lead to the death of brain cells. However, crystal meth is generally considered to be more neurotoxic than alcohol, as it can cause more damage to the brain and potentially lead to more severe cognitive impairments.
Like broken up glass.