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We must first understand the purpose of inflammation before we answer the question above. As a general summary, Inflammation is the body's natural response to any trauma or infection. Once the accident has occured, the area of impact/infection begins to leak a substance called plasma, informing the immune system to 'send help'. Swelling begins to occur for multiple reasons: 1)The building plasma levels, 2)white blood cells beginning to accumulate to fight off and 'eat' (phagocytize) broken cells and infectious agents, and 3) vasodilation. You will notice that the area swells and becomes warmer: this is due to the dilation of the blood vessels (in order to send the white blood cells in to begin their 'clean up'). The ace bandage acts as a means of physically constricting the blood vessels. Now you may ask, why would you want to constrict the blood vessels if they are fighting off the infectious agents?" My answer (from my understanding) is that the main objective is to deal with the pain - in any minor case of inflammation. The pain is caused by the pressure of the swelling on the surrounding tissue. The ace bandage reduces the body's natural response to swell, thus reducing pain and inflammation. Hope this helps. 4th year Pre-Med student at UGA, who happened to be studying inflammation for his exam today.

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Q: How does compression from an ace bandage decrease inflammation?
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What is another name for an Ace bandage?

There are a few names for an Ace Bandage and they are as follows; elastic wrap, compression bandage, stretchable bandage, pressure bandage and crepe bandage. The common use is to use them for muscle sprains and strains, by reducing the flow of blood to the area to reduce swelling at the place of injury.

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No, the recommended treatment for a new injury is rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE.) Compression would be something like an ace bandage, but never too tight.

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The best way to treat an iliotibial injury is to rest. Then you can ice the affected area. Next you want to compress the area with an ace bandage and then elevate the leg to reduce the inflammation.

How do you get an ace bandage to stay on?

The conventional type of Ace bandage usually comes with two little figure-8 shaped hooks to hold it in place, but two small safety pins will work as well. Some types of Ace bandage have a self-adhesive strip at one end, similar to Velcro.

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An ace bandage. And a sock if you have ugly toes.

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An Ace or elastic bandage can be dangerous if it is stretched to tight but it is the easiest to use.

How do you treat a swollen and bruiesd foot?

Assuming there are no broken bones or tears to ligaments, tendons, or muscles, the classic first aid treatment for minor injuries to the foot can be remembered by the acronym RICE. Rest Ice Compression Elevation Stay off the foot as much as possible, apply ice to the swollen area, use a compression bandage (ace bandage or similar) to provide support and prop the affected foot up on pillows or a foot rest.

Why was nick wrapping up his right arm in an ace bandage SCAT?

I don't know either?

Can you wash an ace bandage in the wash?

yes you can, Go for more and other medical supplies