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Q: How does cardiac output help asses overall heart health?
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How do you tell someone politely they have a mental illness?

YOU can't tell them. A mental health professional has to asses and diagnose them.

What is collective nouns for ass?

Collective nouns for asses are a drove of asses, a pace of asses, or a herd of asses.

What is a group of asses?

A herd or pace of asses (or donkeys)

Are donkeys the same as asses?

I don't have a clue why we call donkeys asses', When it is a "bad word" are we calling them asses' because we don't like them or what?

When was Silly Asses created?

Silly Asses was created in 1958.

When was Music for Them Asses created?

Music for Them Asses was created in 2001.

What is a nick name for people that are born in kansas?

i believe u dont no the a. its asses i believe u dont no the a. its asses i believe u dont no the a. its asses i believe u dont no the a. its asses

How to asses Req of working capital in IT Company?

"How to asses Req of working capital in IT Company?" "How to asses Req of working capital in IT Company?"

Why are ppl asses?

People are asses because A. They are spoiled B. they cant help it

Why do some women have really nice asses?

The shape and size of an individual's buttocks are primarily determined by genetics, specifically the distribution of fat and muscle in that area. Some women may have a combination of genetics that predispose them to store fat in the buttocks in a way that is perceived as aesthetically pleasing. Additionally, regular exercise targeting the gluteal muscles can help enhance the appearance of the buttocks by increasing muscle tone and definition.

How can you use the word asses in a sentences?

Well sir, I was looking to buy a camel, but how many asses are available? The word 'asses' also refers to colts.

Asses the importance of trade lives on globalisation?

Asses the importance of trade liberalization on globalization