blowing cool air, is the air only in your mouth... warm air comes from your lungs. temperature also varies by how open your mouth is while blowing air out
Blowing out "haaa" feels warm because it involves the mouth producing warm air from the lungs. On the other hand, blowing out "phooo" feels cool because it involves the process of evaporation of saliva from the mouth, which cools the air as it exits.
Blowing on your hands increases the rate of evaporation of moisture on your skin, causing a cooling effect. However, the heat from your breath can also warm up your hands by providing additional thermal energy.
The air you blow is about 30C, if your hands are cold, their temperature will be lower than that, therefore, blowing 30 C on them will warm them up. If your food is too hot, it is above 30C (can go as high as 100C or more), blowing 30C on them will cool the food faster.
Frostnipped fingers are helped by blowing warm air on them or holding them under one's armpits. Other frostnipped areas can be covered with warm hands. The injured areas should never be rubbed.
To get rid of a brain freeze, try pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth or drinking a warm liquid like tea to help warm up the area. You can also try covering your mouth and nose and breathing into your hands to warm the area quickly.
Blowing air out of your mouth forcefully is often referred to as exhalation or exhaling. It is the act of expelling air from the lungs through the mouth or nose.
Cover your mouth with you hands and blow warm air into it for a while and you will be able to let the metal let you tongue go.
Because the warm hot chocolate warms the cup and the cup warms your hands. also if you put your hands over the cup and feel the steam that will warm your hands.
Quiet Mouth Loud Hands was created in 2007.
Your hands are warm because of the blood flow in your body. Blood carries heat from your core to your extremities, like your hands, to keep them warm and functioning properly.