

How does black mold reproduce?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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It uses spores

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Q: How does black mold reproduce?
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What does the fuzzy green part of mold usually on the outside of foods do?

The green parts of mold are the mold's spores, which enable the mold to reproduce.

How is the reproduction of mushrooms similar to that of mold?

Mushrooms and mold are both fungi and reproduce through spores.

What is mold or fungi?

Mold or Fungi are small organisms. They don't have the ability to produce their own food. But they can reproduce.

What is in green mold?

There is no such thing as "green mold," the green pigment that you see is the result of spores, which molds use to reproduce.

How do you tell if it is mold or not?

because mold is really distict from other things such as black mold. black mold is just plain black with little white patches.... that how i tell it from anything else

You drank black mold from a coconut Should you be worried?

no. black mold is dead.

How mold gets on food?

Mold get their foods from where they grow. They just live on another living body and take food and reproduce.

How can i get rid of black mold?

It has been very humid where I live and black mold is beginning to creep up on me. Who or what can i use in order to get rid of all this black mold?

Does a mold reproduce from spores?

Yes,but it's anthoer type of spores.

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black mold removal ?

The best way to get rid of black mold is to use bleach containing products. The mold causes severe allergic reactions in people who have breathing problems.