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Alcohol reduces people's inhibitions. This means they're more likely to have unprotected sex with a stranger - possibly resulting in an STD, HIV or AIDS.

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Q: How does alcohol affect your risk of getting HIV and AIDS?
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Can getting a tattoo increase the risk of contracting or transmitting AIDS"?

No, getting a tattoo does not increase the risk of contracting or transmitting AIDS as long as proper sterilization and safety measures are followed by the tattoo artist.

What drug abuse increases the risk of getting aids?

Anything that involves using syringes and needles. Smoking weed (with others who have AIDS) has a small risk, if they or you have wounds in mouth.

Does AIDS affect brain abscesses?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or the presence of another immune deficiency greatly increases the risk of brain abscess

Does alcohol affect the birth control pill?

There are no drug interactions between alcohol and the birth control pill. Alcohol increases the risk of forgetting to take your pill.

How will drinking alcohol affect your brain?

Drinking in moderation lowers the risk of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

Are married couples at greater risk of getting aids. blood donors or drug user or sharing needles.?

married couples

How can consuming alcohol affect thinking?

Consuming too much alcohol can temporarily impair thinking ability. Consuming alcohol regularly in moderation reduces the risk of developing senility and Alzheimer's disease.

Is sex unhealthy?

Mainly, there is always the risk of (a) catching a dangerous disease, including AIDS (especially if you have many sex partners), and (b) getting pregnant (or getting your girl pregnant).

How does alcohol risk behavior affect you emotionally?

It gives you bad Brain Damage which can make you a little "coo coo" in the head.

What are three ways that risk behaviors can affect health status?

to drink alcohol, the use of tobacco, or second hand smoke.

How does alcohol affect the skelatel system?

Moderate consumption of alcohol is associated with increased bone density and reduced risk of fractures caused by osteoporosis, according to research from 33 studies.