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through the mouth and the nose, and continuing in the respiratory tract

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Q: How does air enter in the body?
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Where in one of two places air enter body?

Air can enter the body by the mouth or the nose. Air then goes down the windpipe to the lungs where it can enter the bloodstream.

Why does the air enter the body?

To oxygenise the body.

Where does air enter the body?


Where does fresh air enter your body?


What are one of two places where air enters your body?

Two air passages which allow air to enter the body are the cilia and aveoli !!!

What is the intake of air in the respiratory system?

To allow the air to enter the body. The air can enter through either the nose or through the mouth.

What is the function of the mouth on the system of respiration?

To allow the air to enter the body. The air can enter through either the nose or through the mouth.

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How does pollution enter the system?

Pollution enters the system by respiration. When you breathe in your body uses the oxygen in the "air". But when pollution is in the "air", your body takes that in and enters the Ovules of the lung and enter your blood stream.

What statement describe how air enter your body?

As the diaphragm contracts, air enters the body through the nose and mouth.

What places does the air enter the body through?


What one or two places where air enter your body?

Mouth and nose