A tight chest gets better by calming down controlling your breathing and drink water.
It's a 'tight' chest and is something that asthma sufferers get.
it means your chest is very very very .................... so on tight
You are placing a great deal of stress on your heart, as it struggles to get oxygen to all the cells. It will pump faster and harder to compensate for the less air getting into the lungs. And it can cause you to pass out due to lack of oxygen, which can lead to permanent damage to the body.
so their respitory system can cope better because you would have a tight chest otherwise.... they gradualyy get slower
If you have a heavy chest feeling that is not tight and you are having no breathing issues, it should still be checked out. It could be something as simple as acid reflux but it could be more severe.
Sounds like flu with a possible chest infection. Go and see your doctor about it
Tight and weak muscles in the chest and back are common symptoms of kyphosis.
As long as it isn't tight enough to give you a headache a tight helmet is better than a loose one.
You know how your chest feels tight when you are emotional? Getting something off your chest means to share your feelings so that you don't feel so bad any more.
Chest flutters are also know as PVCs or Premature Ventricular Contractions. The can be caused from anxiety, fatigue, too much exercise.