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The blade on the cast saw vibrates it needs resistance to cut. Under the cast is wrapped with cast padding. Because the padding will move with the vibration of the saw blade it will not cut thru to the skin.

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12y ago

Yes it can it cut my sister once

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Q: How does a body cast saw cut the cast but not the skin below?
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because your body can make skin but not vains from nothing i recon because your body can make skin but not vains from nothing i recon

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New skin ! If you cut yourself, the body despatches loads of platelets to the wound site to stop blood oozing out - which form the scab. This is a barrier to stop infection getting into the cut. Underneath the the scab, the body sets to work forming new skin and blood vessels to repair the cut.

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probably ingrown hairs. If the hairs are cut short (below the skin) they can grow under the skin and become infected.

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