When I did pcp I couldn't feel and I kept falling. Everything kept rewinding and going black. Defiantly a out of mind expetience and like a living nightmare. I suggest not doing it, reality is amazing.
LSD is better than PCP, I feel. With PCP you can actually feel the effects. For example when you are on a LSD "trip" you see things such as bees and other things, like worms. When you are on PCP you can actually feel these things, for example you can feel the bees stinging you or the worms crawling on you. Sometimes these feelings come back even when you aren't on the drug PCP. You can randomly get the sensation of bees stinging you or something else when you are on PCP. That can happen with LSD also, when you relapse, but you don't feel it and see it, you just see it. There are also other reasons. Both drugs are very similar though.
Pure PCP contains only PCP (phencylidine).
PCP is not administrated
pcp is a tranqulizer
Yes, PCP is a hallucinogen.
Pcp was founded in 1959
PCP is phencyclidine.
Yes, PCP is a dissociative hallucinogen.
No, Lexapro contains escitalopram, not PCP.
pcp is a tranquelizer
Different kind of PCP. The drug PCP is a horse tranquilizer called Phencyclidine. The AIDS PCP is a disease called Pneumocystitis Carinii Pneumonia.
No, PCP is not considered an opiate. It is a dissociative anesthetic.