

How does DNA help your body?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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14y ago

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Help is the wrong word. DNA (-deoxyribonucleic acid) is the building stone(s) and the "architect" of your body. It doesn't have an active role of helping your body directly with anything.

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How much DNA is in the human body?

The human body contains approximately 6 feet of DNA if stretched out end-to-end. This DNA is packaged into 23 pairs of chromosomes found in nearly every cell of the body.

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Amino acids are made by the human body and help with the production and copying of DNA.

What does DNA do in our body?

DNA carries the genetic instructions that dictate the development, function, growth, and reproduction of living organisms. It serves as a blueprint for building and maintaining all aspects of an organism's cells and tissues. DNA also plays a crucial role in passing on genetic traits from parents to offspring.

why do we have DNA in our body?

we have DNA to make proteins.

Where is the DNA in the human body?

DNA is found within the cell nucleus of human cells. It is also present in small organelles called mitochondria, which are known as the powerhouse of the cell. DNA carries the genetic instructions that determine an individual's traits and characteristics.

What do you do with DNA?

DNA is necessary to construct proteins for the body.

What does a phage inject when it attaches to a bacterium?

A phage injects its genetic material (DNA or RNA) into the bacterium when it attaches to it. This genetic material then hijacks the bacterium's machinery to replicate itself, eventually leading to the destruction of the bacterium.

Method of preservation of DNA after burning of body?

Usually the total body does not burn. If there are bones, which usaully are, the DNA can be obtained from the bone. Or a tooth or other body part that comtains DNA.