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Community associations and management companies are looking for qualified, dedicated professionals to manage their communities-do you make the grade? Do you want to gain a competitive advantage, earn more money, and obtain valuable experience?

The Community Association Institute Professional Management Development Program (PMDP) and credentialing program can help you achieve these goals. As a novice or experienced manager, you can learn something new, increase your earning potential, and further your career goals.

Definition of a community manager: A community association manager will have the knowledge, ethics, professionalism and skills with verifiable experience in financial, administrative, and facilities management in at least one community association, either commercial or residential. The community association manager must be compensated for providing professional guidance and assistance to the board of directors of any association(s) managed by that community association manager, whether the individual is acting as an full time independent contractor, or as an employee of a management firm, or as a general manager or executive director of a common interest development. Management of property other than community associations will not meet the qualifications for community association manage

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Q: How do you xxplain community health programs sanitation?
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Why must health and sanitation be a community undertaking?

Health and sanitation should be a community/government undertaking as these things are a widespread interest. Good health and sanitation keep the whole community healthy, clean, and safe--this should be of interest to everyone.

What is the rules of sanitation and health?

Rules of sanitation and health

What factors increase the need of water?

Factors that increase the need for water include physical activity, hot weather, illness, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and certain medical conditions such as diabetes or kidney disease. Environmental factors like high altitude or humidity can also increase water needs.

How do you prevent community health problems?

There are various ways of preventing community health problems. Some of the basic ways include hygiene and proper sanitation as well as getting immunization vaccines frequently among others.

5 major community health problem?

Pollution Improper Disposal of Human Excreta and Sewage Improper Refuse Storage and Disposal Food Sanitation Control of Rodents and Insects

Effects of sanitation?

The effects of sanitation are directly associated with the health of a region. Most places where there is poor sanitation there will be multiple cases of health hazards.

What has the author C Karamagi written?

C. Karamagi has written: 'Tororo Disrict sanitation survey' -- subject(s): Environmental health, Health aspects, Health aspects of Sanitation, Sanitation

What are the component of sanitation and how do we accelerate sanitation?

its a hygine we should keep our health good

What is health and community health?

The Department of Health and Community Services provides a leadership role in health and community services programs and policy development for the province. This involves working in partnership with a number of key stakeholders including regional health authorities, community organizations, professional associations, post-secondary educational institutions, unions, consumers and other government departments.

Health problems in a community?

Pollution Improper Disposal of Human Excreta and Sewage Improper Refuse Storage and Disposal Food Sanitation Control of Rodents and Insects

Importance of sanitation?

Sanitation is very important in cooking because many foods have germs until they are cooked. Proper sanitation techniques should be followed to avoid food-borne illness that can make you sick or kill you.

How does sanitation affect your health?

spreading and having diseases could be prevented through sanitation