that's allready Japanese idiot
that's allready Japanese idiot
Its 春野 桜(haruno sakura) if you want the kanji, はるの さくら(haruno sakura) if you want kana.
Sakuras' last name is Haruno :) Her name is Sakura Haruno or in Japan its Haruno Sakura, same thing though :P
if your talking about sakura from naruto her name is Haruno Sakura
Sakura Haruno was created in 1999.
kate Higgins plays sakura haruno in the English version!
Sakura Haruno is known to be ticklish. This is a cartoon.
No, Sakura's real name is Sakura, but her last name is Haruno.
In Japanese it is by Chie Nakamura In English it is by Kate Higgins
According to the website urbandictionary "haruno" isn't defined yet, but these are close: Sakura Haruno Syndrome Noun: Sakura Haruno syndrome is when a character of an anime is totally useless until a random part of the show, where either on-screen or off-screen their abilities somehow drastically improve and they become a main part of the show. Example: "Wow this girl was totally useless one episode ago, she must have Sakura Haruno Syndrome" Sakura - In addition to being a name for girls and boys, Sakura is also the Japanese word for cherry blossom. Hope this helps someone. Jerry Nixon
sakura means cherry blossom and haruno means blooming fields so ... sakura haruno means a blooming field of cherry blossoms
sakura kasugano not sakura haruno!!!!!!!
Sakura? Sakura Haruno?! She doesnt have any tattoos You must have gotten mixed up :P Sakura means cherry blossom in Japanese....thats wat they meant.