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Q: How do you write 1 tablet by mouth in the morning and 2 tablets by mouth at bedtime?
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How do I write take one tablet by mouth every night at bedtime?

take one tablet by mouth every night at bedtime

What does 1 tab po qid PC and hs' mean?

take 1 tablet at bedtime

What does taking 1 tablet twice a day mean?

It means take one tablet by mouth twice a day. Since a day is 24 hours, dividing that by two means one tablet every 12 hours.

What does 1 tab poq hs mean?

1 tab poq hs means "take one tablet by mouth every night." The abbreviation "po" stands for "by mouth" and "hs" stands for "at bedtime."

What is the difference between mouth dissolving and fast dissolving tablet?

Mouth dissolving tablets are designed to dissolve in the mouth within seconds without the need for water, making them convenient for patients who have difficulty swallowing. Fast dissolving tablets, on the other hand, may dissolve quickly in the stomach or upon contact with liquid, but they do not necessarily need to be placed in the mouth like mouth dissolving tablets.

What is orodispersible tablets?

'Mouth dissolving' tablets :)

What does it mean take one tablet by mouth twice daily for 7 days?

It means just what is says. Swallow one tablet (pill) orally twice each day for 7 days. Twice each day would be like with breakfast and then with dinner. So you take two pills (tablets) each day, one in the morning and another in the evening. Some medications require that they be taken with food.

What does the medical abbreviation POHS mean?

"by mouth at bedtime"

How tablets are called which are not to be chewed or swallowed but to be tasted and in mouth. they are usually taken before a meal or by evening times. i am looking for the term of those tablets.?

One tablet of this type is nitroglycerin, a vasodialator (expands blood vessels), that is placed under the tongue, and absorbed this way, rather than by chewing or swallowing. This type of medication is called a sublingual tablet (meaning "under the tongue").

What is sugar coated tablet?

A sugar coated tablet has a hard sugary coating - this makes the tablet nicer to put into a mouth and swallow. Some tablets have a nasty taste. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A tablet is a powdered medicine that has been compressed into a small, solid, disk or lozenge shape. This can then be swallowed easily by someone needing treatment using that medicine. However, some medicines taste bitter and to prevent this taste upsetting the patient as they swallow the medicine, the tablets are given an outer layer of hardened (and frequently coloured) sugar to make them palatable. This is a sugar coated tablet.

What does take x2 tablets by mouth Q4-6H mean?

take two tablets orally (by Mouth) every 4 to 6 hours

What does the medical abbreviation prn mean?

PRN means "as needed." It stands for "pro re nata" which translates to "in the circumstances."It is routinely used by physicians in prescribing instructions to mean "as needed for." An example of such might include "Benadryl 50mg qhs prn insomnia."("qhs" is another Latin abbreviation, which stands for quaque hora somni, or "at the hour of sleep or bedtime.") Fortunately for patients, pharmacists are also familiar with these shorthand notations. Therefore, when used in medical situations, specifically for medications, it means that the medication is to be used only when needed, rather than on a consistent basis.