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Be direct and to the point in all your interactions with this person. Keep a professional relationship with them so as not to interfere with your job. Beyond that you are not required to do anything for them though a little kindness does go a long way sometimes.

If the person is harassing you or being disrespectful in some other way then inform them in a direct and professional way. If they persist then notify your supervisor.

If this person is your supervisor or you are afraid of being labeled a snitch, then request a transfer, or find a job where you are treated with respect.

Remember you get only one shot at life and work is a big part of it. Don't be miserable in your work life, do what you have to do.

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Q: How do you work with someone you dislike?
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Yes, it is correct to say, "I strongly dislike something." Or someone.The adverb is strongly and modifies the verb dislike. Saying, "I dislike someone/something strongly," is also correct; which variation you choose depends on emphasis.

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Dislike is a verb and it is apposite of "Like". it simply means "To not like someone or Something". For example:" Why does he dislike vegetarian food so much?".

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No, unless it was self defense.

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The word is "dislike." It refers to a feeling of distaste or aversion towards someone or something.

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to personal, to silly , to easy,

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