Genetian Violet is known for moisturizing and lightening hair.
Add it to your shampoo/conditioner. Don't add more than two drops of it! GV is very powerful and VERY purple. It will stain anything it comes in contact with. So be sure to wash it out of your hair afterwards.
Gentian violet is not recommended for oral health purposes due to potential side effects and lack of proven effectiveness.
Gentian violet is a dye and an antiseptic.
<a href="">gentian violet</a>
1) take 10gm of gentian violet. then add to them: 2) Alcohol 70% ( H2O).... to 1000 ml
Traditional antifungal drugs such as.gentian violet (also known as crystal violet)
it is spelled gentian and it is a violet color
I'm not sure if this really works, but some say Sunlight Liquid will remove it. I just find that washing my hair like 3 times a day will have it out in a week/2
It's a reference to the use of Gentian Violet in order to treat various venereal diseases as was common in WWI. Gentian Violet is also used as a purple die. General Patton was insinuating that all of the Japanese soldiers were infected with STD's as a tool for further demonizing the enemy.
It is usually used for thrush (a fungal infection).
Iodine and gentian violet are antiseptic agents used to prevent infection in wounds or to disinfect skin before medical procedures. They are also used to treat certain fungal and bacterial infections.