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Q: How do you treat iron toxicity?
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Why is iron toxicity not uncommon?

Iron toxicity is not uncommon, due to the wide distribution of iron pills. A lethal dose of iron is in the range of 200-250 mg iron/kg body weight. Hence, a child who accidently eats 20 or more iron tablets may die as a result of iron toxicity.

A disorder that causes increased iron absorption leading to organ toxicity is?


What is the real cause of iron tixicity in children?

The real cause of iron toxicity in children is the child ingesting iron pills. This often happens when parents leave the iron pills sitting out.

What is iron toxicity?

Iron toxicity refers to an excessive amount of iron in the body, which can lead to damage of organs and tissues such as the liver, heart, and brain. It can occur from conditions such as hereditary hemochromatosis, excessive iron supplementation, or accidental ingestion of iron-containing products, and can be dangerous if not promptly treated. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, vomiting, organ failure, and in severe cases, death.

Can calcium chloride be used to treat magnesium sulphate toxicity?

No, calcium chloride is not used to treat magnesium sulphate toxicity. Treatment typically involves supportive measures such as stopping magnesium sulphate administration, providing intravenous fluids, and managing any symptoms that may arise. Consulting a medical professional is recommended for proper treatment.

How do you treat selenium overdose in a cow?

Treatment of selenium overdose in cows involves administering calcium gluconate intravenously to reduce toxicity. Supportive care includes ensuring proper hydration, managing any clinical signs of toxicity such as muscle fasciculations or respiratory distress, and providing a balanced diet to support recovery. Consultation with a veterinarian is essential for appropriate management and monitoring of the cow's condition.

How do you treat iron burns?

Put mustard on it... just trust me.... it works!!!

What is ferrous fumarate used to treat?

Ferrous fumarate is an iron supplement commonly used to treat or prevent iron deficiency anemia, a condition where the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells due to insufficient iron levels. It is often prescribed by healthcare providers to help increase iron levels in the body in cases of iron deficiency.

What is the name of the iron monger who signed the declaration of independence?

He was Robert Treat Paine.

How do you treat high iron in the body?

see a doctor he'll know what to prescribe you

Oxygen toxicity can cause?

Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity (PO) and Central Nervous System Toxicity (CNS)