Gamophobia is a fear of marriage and there is not a lot of treatment options for phobias. You can try meeting with a psychologist or psychiatrist, this may help ease the feelings of anxiety.
Gamophobia - fear of marriage
The root word of gamophobia is "gamo," which comes from the Greek word "gamos" meaning marriage or union. Gamophobia refers to the fear of marriage or commitment.
An exaggerated or irrational fear of marriage.
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Gamophobia is the name of the phobia related to the fear of marriage
Gamophobia is caused by incremental personal experiences and the observation of the effects of marriage on others, usually manifesting after age 25. There is a perceived danger that marriage will be harmful to the individual and is compounded by investigation to confirm the perceived danger and through first hand accounts of the damage marriage has wrought to friends, family and their extended network of adequatenesses. The fear grows with age and experience. Gamophobia is more prevalent in men because the perceived danger is far greater socially, financially, legally and personally.
Your girlfriend may have a phobia of getting married. It is a real phobia which is medically recognised. The phobia is called Gamophobia. Or she may have ecclesiophobia, which is the fear of churches.
Indeed the fear of relationships is a recognised phobia.The phobia of being in a relationship is called Philophobia.
The medical term/phobia name for the fear of marriage is Gamophobia.
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You treat them the way you want to be treated but the best thing to do is treat them with respect and you will get it to