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you be like hey baby you lok good lets say that you top amazing girl

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Q: How do you tell your girlfriend she is amazing?
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What to do with girlfriend on daily basis?

tell her you love her tell her she is beautiful call her tell her shes amazing just the way she is

How do you make her feel special on the phone?

If this girl is your girlfriend, tell her that she is beautiful, tell her that you like/love her with all your heart, tell her you'll always be there for her and that you will always care about her. Tell her she is the most amazing girlfriend in the world.If this girl is your friend, tell her that you'll always be there for her and you will take care of her to the best of your ability. Tell her she is an amazing friend.

Is you are a amazing girlfriend correct grammar?

No, it should be "You are an amazing girlfriend."

How do you tell if your girlfriend is over her ex?

<br /><br />this is amazing<br /><br />

How do you be an amazing girl friend?

to be a amazing girlfriend you need to be loyal.. don't cheat.

If your ex girlfriend still thinks you were amazing boyfriend and has broken up with you. how do you get her back?

Tell her that you love her, and that you wanna spend the rest of your life's together good luck

What sould you do when a boy likes you but he has a girlfriend?

Tell his girlfriend or tell him to dump her for you

How do you be an amazing girlfriend?

Tell your boyfriend exactly what you want/mean, dont make us try and this one thing, and you will be way ahead of the game compared to other women. Also, realize that the more hard work that you do to be 'an amazing girlfriend' the less it will probably work. You're setting yourself up for failure by constantly trying to become something that you don't believe you are. Think about this, too. If you are trying to be 'an amazing girlfriend', you may be trying to make yourself into someone differentfrom the girl that attracted him in the first place. The best way to be an amazing girlfriend is to be the person you are, and as mentioned above, be mindful of how important it is to be clear and straightforward in communicating.

Want miley ciryes to be your girlfriend?

Oh yes it will be amazing

What is chridtian beadles perfect girlfriend?

a person that has an amazing personality.

How do i tell my best friend she's Amazing?

you just tell her it is not hard or you can get somthing and have a card and say you are AMAZING :) :) :)

Who is a sweetest girlfriend?

You are a sweet girlfriend when you tell him you love him