There is no correct or easy way to alert someone about death. I would kindly pull them aside when both you and they are ready to deal with this. Sadly alert them, and apologize. Allow to pay for any reparations and maybe offer to buy them a new dog.
Um .. go to a emergency vet rather than asking someone on
Someone ran over the comander with a car
Someone ran over the comander with a car
It means the cat was in the street and you ran over it with your car or other vehicle.
The person who ran for 150 feet ran farther
France when someone ran over a boucy ball and it got faltened and someone said it looked like candy.
No but if they ran someone over they would.
If you attempted to murder someone but didn't succeed, (went to stab someone but missed and was arrested), or if you ran someone over wanting to kill them, but they survived.
Tell your friend in maybe 2 weeks that your dog got ran over and that you are very sad, that way you also get pity. don't ever tell the truth, always stick to the lie because there's always a chance someone will beileve the lie.
The frisky little puppy ran happily around the yard.
Lauren - his daughter - ran him over.