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you tell someone you like them by your body language.

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Q: How do you tell somene you like them?
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Morally you are supposed to go tell them what you now believe to be the truth.

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somene that's who

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well sometimes when people say oh i kno you lik me it MIGHT be what that person wants to be true or somehow they kno by somene telling them or just being able to tell by the way you act. she might be flattered if you tell her and start thinking about her feelings for you more. or you could build a friendship with this girl and she can learn to lik you herself. it all comes down to what you wana do and what you think is the right thing to do

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a master artist is somene that is a master in art! =D

What is a person catching somene while playing hide and seek called?

The seeker.

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Only if their friends notice that they are logged in and tells the person whose account you've hijacked.

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you should talk to your dad and i am sure your fathe is smater tan you think he is bt talk to somene you trust you should talk to your dad and i am sure your fathe is smater tan you think he is bt talk to somene you trust

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becaus it want to move

If a guy stares at you does like you?

It really depends what kind of stare (hint: if he's going south walk away) but this could be a yes or no question depending on somene's view about guys.

How do you tell if your foot on fire?

look down if u see fire on your foot it on fire and if it is u best call somene cause that not normal wtf how would u catch your foot on fire god u have to be stupid lol