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Well, it sometimes can be called as the same thing, but I would say if you are obsessed with something you feel strongly that you need/must do it. Answer If you really love someone it is more of an unselfish feeling. You will love that person for who they are, you will want what is best for him or her, and will put that person before yourself - you will want to do things to make him or her happy. If it's obsession, it will be more of a selfish feeling, you want what's going to make yourself happy no matter how the other person feels, your own needs are uppermost in your mind instead of the other's persons needs and wants.

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15y ago
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13y ago

you will know if its love or obsession. love its TRUE feelings over someone. you care and feel their pain. obsession is liking someone because they are hot and talking about them ALL the time.

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14y ago

if that person is all you think of, from the moment you wake until you see them or speak to them .... then it starts again! it is unhealthy and you should ask yourself if its worth the time and effort on your part to devote your life to a person other than yourself!?

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14y ago

if he constantly needs to be with you and always texts you and doesnt want you talking to other guys and only wants you for himself. then yes, he must be pretty obssessed. but its always different, if he keeps this up for a long time then hes obssessed, if he only acts like this for a little while then he might just be excited that your his girlfriend.

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16y ago

If your constantly watching him from the bushes out side his room or have killed any other female that gets near him.

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15y ago

When you start getting paranoid and feel the need to know what he's doing 24/7.

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Someone who is obsessed with themselves is commonly referred to as narcissistic or self-absorbed.

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if you do something over, and over, and over and you don't fell like you can stop it ,then you are obsessed

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