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Well first, I'm going to assume you mean girl. But there are many many ways to tell if a girl likes you. Some girls are more obvious about it than others. Sometimes it depends on the girls age or maturity. But the #1 overall best way to tell if a girl likes you no matter what age she is or how mature she is or anything is, by just asking her. I know the thought may sound scary and nerve-racking but that is the easiest way to do it. And sometimes unfortunately the answer will be no, and I'll admit it hurts, but the next step is to just get over it and move on. :)

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16y ago

There's many ways you can indicate if a girl likes you. She blushes around you, always bites her nails, looks deeply into your eyes everytime she see's you, she gets alittle tied up with her words, her friends always ask you if you're into her, many more! These are signs of flirting, nervousness, curiousity, or she likes you!

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Q: How do you tell if a gril likes you?
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As a girl when I like some one I usually talk to them a little more and try to get to know them. Also if she starts to look at you at random moments of the day that is usually a good sign. Oh and try not to burp around them.

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Beccy Cole: Poster Gril. Google will tell you everything.

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first you tell me you are selfish at all why you write this qustion pagal and mad boy or gril

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