you call him a guy who likes punk rock and metal wears alot of black and wears a goth cross At least until you learn him name
Ask a goth guy the way you would ask a non - goth guy.
The key is to change into a goth yourself. Tell the goth person you like that you want to become a goth to be with him. At this point, the goth must bite you in order for you to change into a goth. This is relatively painless and will make sure the two of you live forever together, as immortal goth lords.
if he hits on you
if he likes you for who you are
you can get a guy to tell you if he likes you by just being yourself or just coming out and asking him, "hey do you like me?" what do you have to loose?
if a guy likes ur friend he will flirt with her and not u.
if a guy likes you but you dont like him, tell him your not in to him and say sorry.
If a guy likes you he will turn around and look in your eyes.
I will tell him to stop,or i will like him back
You cant really be a scene and goth chick at the same time mainly because the 2 sub-cultures clash.
You can tell if a guy likes you or if you like him a lot if you often spend time with each other.