When he's doing something stupid in bed, don't fake it! Just be silent when he's not giving you what you want. Or ask for the remote or something.
pea soup and a good bed
you look awesome dude of course you do!
Show them you love them. That is exactly right dude. Tell them you love them very much and you will NEVER leave them. Man, you'll have someone in bed faster than a deer crossing a 4 lane highway near the ocean.
It good to make them be happy fist tell them what is gud as husband ,
wow you got problems dude
tell her it's bed time, tuck her in, and give her a kiss good night lol you shouldn't perverted questions like that so this is what you get lol
tell her its her bed
Depends which bed it is. If you read about which bed it is, it will tell you the maximum amount.
If you are happy with his performance, shows affection, cares for you, attends to your wants and desires or tries to please you.
Tell them you'll give them money to help them pay for it. But on the day they bought the bed tell them you lost the money and tell them that when you are laying on the bed. I Joel Lopez knows it will work 100%
Maryland. Good Luck Dude Maryland. Good Luck Dude
Old answer: They are good in bed!!!! New answer: They are good in bed with your mum