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You should Probably say " I like You A lot But More As a friend and I dont think That we could Ever be anything more but Friends" Or jsut say Its over.

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Q: How do you tell a boy that your better off as friends?
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If he shows you off to his friends, but never really talks to you, he is in it for sex only.

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He shows off to people and to his friends to look cool!

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Move on to someone better. Find someone who treats you even better. Spend time with friends, to take your mind off him. Have fun without him.

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Just find a boy, try to get to know him better,(there are many different ways of doing this)You may just start off as friends......

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the person off the tale tell heart is a boy!

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Become really close friends with him so you can show off all your best qualities, some of the best relationships start out this way. It is better to become friends first.

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If you'd like to go with the boy, simply tell your friends. Don't make it sound like you're blowing them off, but tell them how much it means to you to go with him. Then, make other plans with them, to make up for it. It'll show that you're totally sorry. If they're true friends, they're bound to understand. P.S good luck ;)

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you can tell then to back off

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Usually, when a guy likes you, he will act nice but dorky around you. However, when he is around his friends, he may be a bit mean and rude. Boys do this to show off.

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it means he want to show off to his friends he has a girlfriend

What to do when you REALLY like a boy who already has a girlfriend?

speaking as a boy, i say that you try to take your mind off it by doing something you love and just do that until you like someone else.