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They eat plants so you can lure them out with tasty plants or take a piece of paper and pick them up with it or if your talking about a pet stink bug feed them plants

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Q: How do you take care of a stink bug?
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How do you say pincher bug in spanish?

The word for stink bug in Spanish is chinche. The word for stink bug in Italian cimice. The word for stink bug is bug puanteur.

Can the stink of the stink bug kill you?


Why can't I smell a stink bug?

you can only smell a stink bug if you squish it.

What is the color of a stink bug?

it depends on the stink bug, there's lots of different kinds. for instance there is green stink bugs, also brown marmorted stink bugs. which I have a brown marmorted stink bug as a pet

When was Rice stink bug created?

Rice stink bug was created in 1775.

When was Green stink bug created?

Green stink bug was created in 1832.

What is an interesting stink bug fact?

that they stink?....

Who is the predators of the stink bug?

a pinching bug

What type of bug is the character Dim from 'A Bugs Life'?

I think he a type of horned beetle not a stink bug.

What thing eats a stink bug?

Antern bUg

What stink bug trap works?

Google thebugsquad they have a article on stink bug traps that i find to be rather helpful

What is the phrase 'stink bug' when translated from English to Indonesian?

Stink bug (a type of bug that has a really bad smell) in Indonesian is called 'Walang sangit'.