Don't stop yourself! You'll cause yourself harm just go it's completely natural I'm sure the others will need to go at some point too! If it smells just laugh it off!
Rhypophobia is the fear of dirt or filth.
Don't let it go in the basement!
you take the dog outside take him outside the household.
Loperamid to stop defecating and antibiotics like chlorophenical it work fine in middle grave causes.
yes, try that. if no joy with that then go see your doc
There is no way to resolve this problem until humans magically stop defecating.
not enough water or fiber!
Rabbits usually, at least when their older, defecate in the same place or a couple of places. So... The easiest way to stop him defecating in his bed is to switch his bed and litter tray around (Swap them). If he likes particulary defecting in his bed regardless of where it is moved you may need to change beds or if he doesn't like defecating in his litter tray change litter trays.
The proper spelling of the word is defecate (bowel movement).
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