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Wash your hands often, and stay away from people who are sick. Also you can take vitamins to build up "strength"

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Q: How do you stop yourself catching bugs?
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Catching bugs at the sea?

yes but its dangerous

How can vaccine stop a person from catching a disease?

A vaccine can stop a person from catching a disease because when you have a vaccination, it injects dead cells of that disease and therefore you body has made antibodies to defend yourself if you do catch it. it does not stop you from catching it 100% because you could still catch it but there is little chance of it harming you or harming you as much. x

Do cats keep bugs away from the house?

Cats can help keep bugs away from the house by hunting and catching them, but they may not eliminate all bugs.

How is an easy way to get money on Animal Crossing Wild World?

well the easyest way is: digging up fossils catching fish catching bugs

Why does my cat eat bugs?

Cats may eat bugs because they are natural hunters and enjoy the thrill of chasing and catching small prey. Additionally, bugs can provide a source of entertainment and mental stimulation for cats.

What do you use to stop the bugs from getting in your swimming pool?

To stop bugs from comming into your pool, you need to get a cover or get a net and before you swim clean off all the ded bugs on top.

How effective are venus fly trap plants at catching bugs?

Very effective, as long as they are properly maintained.

How do you stop catching Magikarps?

dont throw a pokeball at it!

How do you stop yourself from getting a sickness bug?

To prevent sickness bugs, wash your hands regularly with soap and water, avoid close contact with individuals who are sick, and maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Additionally, ensure that any food you consume is properly cooked and stored to prevent contamination.

What does a praying mantis eat that you can catch yourself?


How do you protect yourself from potato bugs?

run and hide

How can you stop yourself from catching swine flu?

Avoid large crowds, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. Avoid people who are not covering their mouths. Wear a face mask when in a crowd of people. WASH YOUR HANDS!