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Do things that aren't perverted. Watch movies without naked people in them. Like comedies...Play outside...if you have kids then play with them, outside. Just do stuff that would take your mind off it.

You can also try ignoring the thoughts, letting the thoughts run freely without engaging them, or distracting yourself. If your perverted thoughts have a cause, then try to fix the cause. If it is your movie and reading selection, then get into the habit of viewing or reading other materials. If you were sexually abused, then seek therapy for that.

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Q: How do you stop thinking perverted thoughts?
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How can you stop thinking perverted thoughts?

Uh, sorry to break it to you but, you cannot. Forgive me, but it is not possible. Hormones will make you think perverted thoughts. However, you could reduce the amount of perverted thoughts rushing through your noggin by: - Giving yourself other things to think about. Read more (certain books DO have rather.... erotic scenes so perhaps you should find out about a book before reading it) Take up a sport. Get a hobby that really interests you. - This may seem like bad advice but, Get a girlfriend/boyfriend This will help you. You'll have someone to help you unlock the other gender's secrets. He/she will help show you how much more there is to discover apart from the body and certain functions. - Find an activity that is just better then thinking about.... whatever it is that you fantasize about. Let's just say that you absolutely adore ice-skating. Whenever you ice-skate, you're too distracted and just think "Meh, whatever" when your thoughts turn perverted. - Just will yourself to not. Seriously, every time your thoughts drift off, make yourself get up and do 20 push-ups ( REAL push-ups). I hope this advice helps, I would've written more but I have a speech tomorrow on a topic that is a complete mystery to me.

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How do you make a sentence for perverted?

Sexual examples would be :"Stop doing that to your sister's doll, it is perverted.""Many people consider sex with vegetables to be perverted.""The priest had a large collection of photographs depicting his altar boys in perverted situations."The word perverted has a meaning beyond the sexual one. "To pervert" is to corrupt, debase, or misuse.Example : "Buying drugs was a perverted use of the charity's funds."Example : "The doctor saw his research perverted by his sponsors."

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