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i know how you feel but just let it go even if you lose the weight you still wont stop make yourself happy look at your features personalty come on people the stereotype of thin is ridiculous be happy the way you are its best be yourself

A:Firstly, calculate your Body Mass Index figure. (There are plenty of calculators online to do it, and it doesn't take a minute.) If your calculated figure is between approx 18 to 25, you are within the 'normal' range, and if you are, you should stop worrying.

It may be that you really should visit your doctor. if you really can't stop thinking about it - it may be that you really are overweight, and if so, it could be damaging your long term health. On the other hand, if you just think that you are overweight, you may be developing an obsession with it, and that can be just as unhealthy. Many anorexics 'see' themselves as 'fat', when in reality of course, they are seriously underweight.

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Q: How do you stop thinking about how fat you are I can not stop comparing myself to other people and I cant get it out of my mind?
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