

Best Answer

Wear a hat, and try to find something else that interests you and keeps your fingers occupied. You might find it helpful also to seek some counselling.

If you're pulling out your hair, you may be suffering from trichotillomania. People who suffer from this condition cannot stop pulling hair out and also pull out eyelashes.

We're finding a great deal of success treating neurotransmitter imbalances in trichotillomania cases, resulting in nearly a 100% success rate in helping people to stop pulling hair. Please take a look at our approach and let us know what you think at

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Q: How do you stop pulling out your hair?
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Related questions

What treatments are available for compulsive hair pulling?

The official name for hair pulling is Trichotilomania. It seems as stress is a trigger for pulling one's hair. If one is searching for treatment, a medical professional would be the one to talk to to stop hair pulling.

What is it when you have a habit of pulling your hair out to where your hair is slow growing?

Trichotillomania is a disease where you pull out your own hair compulsively. Repeatedly pulling out hair can damage the hair follicle which can slow or stop hair growth. Working with a mental health specialist and a dermatologist you can stop the behavior and begin to grow the hair back.

Why do WWE divas pull hair?

thw wwe divas pull hair because they have a lot of it and when they pull their hair it will make their oppodent do whatever so u will stop pulling their hair cause it HURTS

Is hair pulling in a fight cheap and not fair?

Yes it is very unfair because if the person who is pulling your hair will get the advantage. because pulling your hair can create brain damage and your head will be very very saw when the hair pulling is over.

How can I effectively get my toddler to stop pulling hair?

To effectively get your toddler to stop pulling hair, try redirecting their behavior by offering them a different activity or toy to focus on. Consistently reinforce positive behavior by praising and rewarding them when they do not pull hair. Additionally, teach them about empathy and the importance of being gentle with others. Consistent and patient guidance will help them learn appropriate behavior over time.

Information about the hair straightner?

Well, it's hot and you use it to straighten your hair by pulling it through your hair. Well, it's hot and you use it to straighten your hair by pulling it through your hair.

How can I stop my dog from pulling chunks of hair out?

If your dog is pulling chunks of hair out, it could be due to stress, allergies, or skin irritation. To stop this behavior, consult with a veterinarian to identify the underlying cause and develop a treatment plan. Additionally, provide your dog with regular grooming, a balanced diet, and plenty of exercise to promote overall health and reduce anxiety.

Can pulling out your own hair become an addiction?

Yes, pulling out your own hair can become an addiction. Hair pulling is also a symptom of the disease trichomania. This disease has no cure, but there are some medicines that can be taken to help.

What is a sentence for hair and hes used in the same sentence?

He's a world famous stylist, and he's going to cut MY hair!'He's pulling my hair, make him stop mom!He's missed the hole by a hair! It was so close to being a hole-in-one!

Can hair pulling affect future hair growth?


What happened to the individual publishers who turned down Harry Potter?

They must be pulling their hair out in despair, over losing such an excellent opportunity.They must be pulling their hair out in despair, over losing such an excellent opportunity.They must be pulling their hair out in despair, over losing such an excellent opportunity.They must be pulling their hair out in despair, over losing such an excellent opportunity.

What rugby star was banned for pulling hair?

Chris Ashton for pulling Samoan wing Alesana Tuilagi into touch by his plaited hair