

How do you stop a head ache?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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12y ago

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take a aspirin or get some herb

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Q: How do you stop a head ache?
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What will stop a head ache?

There a lots of mild pain killers available for your chemist such as Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Aspirin.

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You will become very tired. May have a head ache or stomach ache.

Does a headache feel good to your head?

No. An ache is a pain, and no pain is good (especially that of your head).

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you just be calm and relax to did not have a head ache

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My 11 yr old said this morning she gets a ache in her head and it goes away.It's happened three times in the last 2 months. She wears handbands or could it be a muscle ache?

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